Vaughan Evans & Partners
Vaughan Evans & Partners

Business planning

VEP helps corporate clients write backable business plans.  Not grandiose strategies, not unsubstantiated assertion, not wishful thinking, but plans which aim at the heart of your backer's investment decision.


We help you write the plans from a backer's perspective.  What do they need to see in a plan?   How can their concerns be addressed?  We identify those concerns and address them, coherently, consistently, credibly and concisely.  And, above all, convincingly. 


VEP ensures that what the backer sees as the key risks in your plan are not just addressed but mitigated.  And that the major opportunities are highlighted and justified.

VEP's backer-centric approach to drawing up a business plan is laid out clearly in The FT Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan: How to Win Backing to Start Up or Grow Your Business.


This has been the best selling book on business planning in the UK since launch in 2011 and has been translated into Spanish, Japanese and Korean.

VEP helps clients focus on key risks and opportunities throughout the plan, but specifically in the core areas of:

  • Market demand
  • Industry competition
  • Competitive position and strategy
  • Resources (including management, marketing and operations)
  • Financials


A business plan is not an academic exercise.  It should not be a great tome, with reams of data and projections to the nearest quid or buck.  It should present the essence of your business proposition.


It is written for a purpose, typically to obtain backing from an external investor, a banker or a board.  VEP helps you create a plan that is backable.


VEP's help in business planning tends to come in three main levels of involvement, depending on client preference:

  • Writing the plan for the client, or
  • Writing the plan alongside the client, or
  • Reviewing a plan drawn up by the client

VEP gives objective advice on which of these options can best add value to the client.



                                 ...THE BACKING YOU NEED...

                                                                   ...FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO SUCCEED!


Contact us to find out more.

Business strategy in a one-hour read for the busy entrepreneur!

The UK's top-selling guide to writing a business plan!

Strategic due diligence demystified!

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